Fish Bone Food X-Ray Inspection System
The X-Ray Inspection System for Fish Bone is a specialized equipment designed to detect and remove bone fragments from fish products during the production process. It utilizes X-ray technology to scan the fish for any bone fragments, ensuring that the final product is bone-free and safe for consumption. This system helps in improving product quality, reducing the risk of choking hazards, and ensuring compliance with food safety regulations.Features•Suitable for foreign contaminant and fish bone detection in fish meat, applicable to products such as halibut, salmon, and cod. •Not only can it detect foreign contaminants in fish meat, but it can also be paired with an external high-definition display screen to clearly display various types of fish bones in cod, salmon, and other fish, helping manual removal of fish bones accurately.•4K HD Screen •Various detectors such as 0.048 TDI Detector and photon counting detectors •Highly Waterproof Machine